
vboxsf vboxsf vboxsf

Replace sf_shared with the actual name of the shared directory and name_of_link with whatever you want. In Terminal (assuming that you are in the directory where you want the link to appear and that you've enabled the Nautilus plugin that gives you the context menu option ) do: ln -s /media/sf_shared/ name_of_link. They're usually named "sf_name-of-shared-folder".įor quick access, you may want to create a link to the shared folders in the home folder. Confirm from your media folder if the shared folders are present. This command appends the current user to the vboxsf group, which is the owner of the shared folders (found in /media/ on the Ubuntu box). Am assuming you have already enabled auto-mount while you were adding the folder. So here is how to access your shared folders on Ubuntu VM(Oracle Virtualbox).
